Wi-Fi in Palmer! June 21st, 2010
Radio Free Palmer sponsors the RadioFreePalmer internet connection around downtown Palmer. You can connect to it from Vagabond Blues and the area around the Palmer Train Depot. Vagabond blues also has an internet connection through MTA. If you are an MTA member you can connect with your username and password, otherwise you can pay using a credit card.
The AT&T Sports Center offers free wi-fi through AT&T. You can connect from anywhere in the center. There’s a snack bar up the stairs to the right as you enter. It’s a great place to set up your laptop and surf the net.
Palmer Dairy Queen also has free wi-fi. You can sit down, enjoy some delicious ice cream and check your email on your laptop!
If you know of any other wifi connections here in Palmer, please leave a comment and I’ll be sure to add them!
This post is brought to you by Valley Market Real Estate. Call Marty Van Diest for all your real estate needs at (907) 232-7900!
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